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Thread: The Sunday Thread for 2024-05-12 - MOTHER'S DAY

  1. #1
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Northern Virginia, USA

    The Sunday Thread for 2024-05-12 - MOTHER'S DAY

    Everyone must have been terribly busy the past few days, as this forum has been stone silent. I hope it's because we've all been busy gigging, building, or modifying our guitars. But it's MOTHER'S DAY, and living or dead, we've all had one. So, let's take a moment to recognize and thank her for giving us the gift of life, if nothing else.

    My mother left us in 1980. So today, a nod of prayer for her, and then a day of celebration for both my daughter, who is a mother twice over, and HER mother, who lives with her. I won't go into the dynamic I see there often.

    Two weeks after returning from my four week trip Down Under, and straining my back upon my return, I'm now feeling 98% better. I'm out moving about and walking again, and when the weather allows for it, I'm going to (slowly) tackle the weeds in the back yard. Some of them are beginning to look like corn stalks!

    So, a Happy Mothers Day to all you mothers. You can take that any way you wish!
    Striving to be ordinary

    Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!

  2. #2
    Forum Member Tele-Bob's Avatar
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    Aug 2003

    Re: The Sunday Thread for 2024-05-12 - MOTHER'S DAY

    Anxiously awaiting the MotoGP of Le Mans today. Some real surprises in the morning warm up.
    Been trying to finish up a few songs for the studio this week. Busy busy!

    Going for a hike later today and bicycle ride tomorrow. Gotta keep the engine fired up!
    If you're bored, you're not groovin'.

  3. #3
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    On da lakeshore in Wisconsinski

    Re: The Sunday Thread for 2024-05-12 - MOTHER'S DAY

    It’s my wife’s birthday today so we’re celebrating that along with mother’s day by going out for lunch with our son that lives close to us. The other son lives around 1200 miles away so it’s a phone call with him later.

    Hope all have a great day!

  4. #4
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread for 2024-05-12 - MOTHER'S DAY

    mild slightly cool grey day here, nothing special planned. Bro's boys are doing something with their mom, his GF is doing something with her kids. Got to eat some leftovers to help clear out the fridge. Bro's GF was here earlier last week and cooked up load of food.

    trying a different recording chain for bass, so far it seems promising. Further experimentation is warranted. More playoff action tonight. Never did get to see any aurora from that incredible geomagnetic storm we had, cloudy Friday night locally. Yet somebody took pictures from an overlook just 12 minutes north of me. I would not have thought to go there. Next time there's a good storm, I'll be heading over.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  5. #5
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    point of reason between tacky and tasteless

    Re: The Sunday Thread for 2024-05-12 - MOTHER'S DAY

    I’m back in FL for a celebration service for one of best friends. Staying with1 of my others. Flight out is in the evening. Needless to say, no music this weekend but have 3 gigs upcoming. All on bass.

    when I experience loss, unfortunately I tend to buy stuff. Currently eyeing a Gibson CS 54 LP Custom. That would satisfy the black beauty and staple neck pup desire.

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