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Thread: Goodness, Gracious, It's the Sunday Thread for May 19, 2024

  1. #1
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Goodness, Gracious, It's the Sunday Thread for May 19, 2024

    Well, here we are again on a Sunday. It's been quiet around TFF this week, so I suspect most folks are in the prep stages for a summer of fun. Or at least a weekend of the same.

    I wrote and performed a song this week! I'm astounded at myself. No words, just chords and melody, but this is such a rare occurrence for me that I'm still beside myself! I don't know how it came to me, but it just did!

    Today is my typical Sunday: Church in the a.m., then a fillup of gas in my el-cheapo car, a bit of lunch, some baseball on TV and then I'm going to my daughter's for dinner. I have a batch of souvenirs to give to my grandkids and belated Mothers Day gifts for my daughter. So, it looks to be a nice, fulfilling day for me. I hope the same for you!
    Striving to be ordinary

    Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!

  2. #2
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    Re: Goodness, Gracious, It's the Sunday Thread for May 19, 2024

    OS - Creativity is such a gift! Embrace it! I realized I never even responded to last week's Sunday thread . Not much to report. Still in the studio every other Friday - polishing off a few new songs - will get something posted soon. Spent the week trying to fix stuff. Lawnmower needs all new belts and blades. Parts are showing up one at a time. Of course that means the lawn won't get done for a while... Our 15 year-old dishwasher broke again - the front panel is light plastic and it is where you pull to open the door, so the panel breaks and you can't use it until you replace it. Fortunately the part was still available (but not cheap!) and I got it swapped out in about 5 minutes. Today I might do the lawn with the small push mower. It will take all day, but will be great excercise.

    Have a great week everyone!
    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  3. #3
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    Re: Goodness, Gracious, It's the Sunday Thread for May 19, 2024

    Quote Originally Posted by OldStrummer View Post

    I wrote and performed a song this week! I'm astounded at myself. No words, just chords and melody, but this is such a rare occurrence for me that I'm still beside myself! I don't know how it came to me, but it just did!
    OS, back in 1961, when I was playing in my first band, we “wrote” a song at a practice one night that was basically a a rhythmic chord pattern that we improvised a couple of solos over. A short time later we played it at a bar gig and held a contest to name the song (Before Dawn was the name that won). If you ever listen to a song called “The Beat” by the Rockin’ R’s you’ll get an idea of how raw the sound was.

    It’s a beautiful, sunny day here on the western shore of Lake Michigan so it will be a cruise to breakfast on one of the Harleys and a day spent enjoying friends. Hope all have a great week!

  4. #4
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    Re: Goodness, Gracious, It's the Sunday Thread for May 19, 2024

    This past week was mainly work. Knocked my back out Mon PM and come Tues was not greatly improved, so I bowed out of 3 gigs.

    Today is church, some gas runs, some chores, some work. Maybe catch a bit of F1. Next weekend is the Mecca of auto racing with 3 notable races. Also have a couple gigs next week.

  5. #5
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Goodness, Gracious, It's the Sunday Thread for May 19, 2024

    grey drizzly day. was hoping to catch an old fave band last night but no, it just had to rain. Makes me wonder if I'll ever be able to jam let alone gig if I'm so limited by weather. Actually, that's inaccurate, it's not the weather it's the excessively bright headlights so prevalent these nights. If I don't get a ride or a driver, I'm going to be at the mercy of the elements.

    Was expecting to have the house to myself tonight through Thursday as my brother goes to Texas for a business trip. Just found out that it's changed to Tues through Thursday. Thought I was going to have 4 nights in a row to make noise.

    For grins and giggles, I put my Monty's Bethnel Peter Green pickups for sale on FaceBook. Given the propensity that market has for utterly crap pictures I posted a single picture of the unopened swanky packaging he did for me. Put it up Friday night, as of this morning it's had 1015 clicks and two "Is it still available" lab rat button pushers. I'm probably going to have to unbox those pickups before I can sell them, I understand it's a leap of faith for people to trust me that there is actually anything in that package. Nothing ventured nothing gained. It's not like I have to sell them, it was a pasta thing. Throw it on the wall and see if it sticks. Take the ad down tonight.

    Meeting up with friends later today, was hoping to play when I got home but now that's not going to happen. Might break down the recording rig (which I never did last week but also never used) until Tuesday.

    Last night i revisited my earliest days of recording on GarageBand. Weird to see how my organization of files evolved. Breaks were often followed by reverting to previously used file name formats until I remembered how I wanted to do it. I haven't updated to Logic Pro 11 yet, waiting to hear how it goes (or doesn't). I did update to the most recent Logic Pro X and OS for that machine. Now I can open GarageBand files directly into Logic that I couldn't do before. I took that little snippet I recorded back in 2016 and stripped all the crap that GB put on their 'guitar track' input. Two compressors an exciter a limiter eq reverb on every track? What a difference, it sounds much more like what I do today.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

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