This place has been quieter than death for the past week. The only activity I've seen is spam! I'm hoping that means everyone is enjoying the spring weather. We've had quite a bit of rain, but yesterday and today look like they'll be nice for a change (I heard we'd had rain 14 of the past 19 weekends).
I've spent the last week obsessing over a new to me song, Jorma Kaukonen's "Good Shepherd." I've found that it's not a difficult song to play, but that I can play it in so many different ways. Does anyone else get so into a song that they play it almost to the exclusion of anything else? I have fun learning a song. Like they say, the journey is the reward!
It's Memorial Day weekend here in the U.S., which means a three day weekend for those who are still in the work force. My neighbors have decided once again to hold a block party, so I'm going to order some pizza and take along a guitar (per request!). What's on the calendar for you this weekend?