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Thread: Let's Sunday Again, Like We Did Last Summer

  1. #1
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Let's Sunday Again, Like We Did Last Summer

    Greetings, fellow denizens of TFF. If you got the riff in the title you're like me: Older than dirt (for the uninitiated, Chubby Checker did a follow up to his earth shattering "The Twist" called "Let's Twist Again." It was almost as popular). Well, when it's early Sunday morning and the first cup of coffee hasn't taken hold yet, oldsters like me should be given a little slack.

    Yes, it's Sunday. Again. There's been a little activity here this past week, but TFF is still a remote and dark place in the Internet. I like it that way!

    The GAS bug is nibbling at me, and I'm tossing up the idea of getting a lower-end acoustic, not that I need another. @Blackonblack has tempted me with a limited run of Guild's and I'm also fascinated by a new line from Ibanez. The retired side of me says, "WTF? You don't need to spend the money and where would you put the thing, anyway?" while the idiot guitar addict in me says, "It's just one more, small guitar..." Sigh.

    Got a new garage door installed this week, which cost me guitar money, but it was an immediate necessity. There's no "one that got away" when it comes to garage doors.

    Was asked to do the reading today in church, so I'm actually going to wear long pants. We're going through the fifth heat wave of the summer, with heat indexes in the 100s, so that's a big deal. I'll change into shorts when I return home. Then, it's the usual Sunday. Maybe lunch out, watch some baseball, read and play guitar. My legs are really tired from the long walks I've been taking every day, so it truly will be day of rest for me.

    How about for you?
    Striving to be ordinary

    Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!

  2. #2
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    Re: Let's Sunday Again, Like We Did Last Summer

    It?s been quite warm here too. Nothing as bad as FL in Aug though.
    Playing electric guitar for a couple services this morning. After that, I?m going to try to get some dedicated accs I ordered into the appropriate guitar cases. Also need to tidy up the music room as there?s yet another piece of gear coming in. Then I?ll watch last weeks F1 race.

    latest gear- spur of the moment buy. On 1 of the other forums I visit, a Helix unit came up at a good price. My other 2 are Helix LTs which are my production units. I?ll use this one for my development unit. Can play with creating stuff without always having to backup stuff in case I need to revert back for a gig.

  3. #3
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    Re: Let's Sunday Again, Like We Did Last Summer

    I?m really thankful that we?ve finally gotten to Sunday morning and a much needed day of rest. At the beginning of July I had a complete tear-out and replacement of my lawn and some shrubs and trees planted. Since then it has been a 6:00 AM ritual to be outside moving water hoses and sprinklers for 2 1/2 -3 hours and then mowing the lawn (once the seed germinated) every four days or so. With temps in the 90s and a dew point around 70 degrees for the last week it has been a real workout for this old dude.

    Yesterday my wife and I managed to get out on one of the Harleys to catch a good blues band that a friend recently joined. After living in Nashville for the last 40 years as a respected studio and touring musician, he retired and moved back to the local area and that gave me the opportunity to play a blues fest with him a couple of weeks ago. Good music does wonders to resuscitate a weary body.

    Hope all have a great week.

  4. #4
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    Re: Let's Sunday Again, Like We Did Last Summer

    Well, it's still Sunday - I made it to the forum this week. Busy week coming up. A big workshop with a newly formed Board of Education. They need a lot of training, and I'm looking forward to help them.

    Thursday we're doing a big statewide conference and I found out late last week that I am doing three presententions, all brand spanking new. I like the pressure of delivering quaity with short notice, and I'll be winging some of it. I love the challenge.

    Have a great week!!!
    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  5. #5
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Let's Sunday Again, Like We Did Last Summer

    late in the day, we had a lot of rain and thunderstorms today. Swampy right now, August is getting right into it tout suite. I finally got my new workbench out of the car into the basement where I have already been using it to sort through the multitude of packing and shipping boxes. My project this month is to inventory all of it and then make decisions regarding keeping or selling.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

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