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Thread: This is going to be my least favorite Sunday in a while

  1. #1
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    This is going to be my least favorite Sunday in a while

    Happy Sunday everybody! Tomorrow afternoon I have a colonoscopy scheduled, so today is going to suck... I'll play some guitar and work on a tune we're going to record next week. I'm finally getting back some of my playing after my table saw incident a couple years ago. That really messed with my head, as much as it messed with my finger! Anyways, time for breakfast - my last meal until tomorrow afternoon...
    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  2. #2
    Forum Member
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    SW New Mexico, USA

    Re: This is going to be my least favorite Sunday in a while

    I bought a Resonator guitar last week, the CL ad said he had some physical issues, and was no longer able to play. When I shook his hand I saw his 3 fingers were now the length of his pinky! Those saws are unforgiving!

  3. #3
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: This is going to be my least favorite Sunday in a while

    gah, power tools are my nightmare, blech. Yeah, colonoscopy aren't bad but that prep is no fun.

    getting ready to jam in a little while. Was going to my friend's house this week but now his wife is sick with the cold he had last week. Lot of germs going around. Trying to get lunch and laundry out of the way and also get to the store to get some salsa. Bought the chips last night and forgot the dang salsa. I really wanted to avoid going to the store on a Sunday. Oh, well. At least we don't have a game to suffer through today.

    Thinking I might bring up the bass amp this week. It ain't too heavy but it's a stack so there will be two trips up and two trips back down ... unless I put it in the office. Unlikely because there really isn't room.

    Y'all have a good one.

    *edit* rat farts, jam got canceled.
    Last edited by DanTheBluesMan; Today at 11:05 AM.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  4. #4
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Re: This is going to be my least favorite Sunday in a while

    It?s 9:00PM in Dublin, Ireland as I type this. Just a few more days and I?m headed home. It?s been a great trip, and I?ve managed to put my hands on a number of Irish- and British-made guitars: Hudson, Rathbone, Tanglewood, Lowden, and some others. Of them all, the Lowden was the nicest, but not at the price! ?4,679 (about $5,074). And it ain?t no Martin!

    COVID has been making the rounds of the travelers on the bus. I dodged a bullet, because I only had some muscle soreness early on, but it?s been a merry-go-round of who gets to ride and who has to isolate. Even though I?ve been passed over (knock on wood), I?ve still been exposed, so I?m not going to hit all the public hot spots for a day or two after I get home.

    A mix of weather. We had four days of absolute gorgeous weather. So much so that even the locals were in 7th Heaven! It couldn?t have come at a better time too, as I visited the Cliffs of Moher (which I?ve been told can be a tough experience) and drove the Ring of Kerry with bright sun and temps in the 70s!

    Well, all good things come to an end. I?m capping off the trip with a few days in Dublin, and then back to my boring daily grind.

    Be well, all.
    Striving to be ordinary

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