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Thread: Fall Back - Sunday thread!

  1. #1
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    Fall Back - Sunday thread!

    I couldn't figure out why I was so awake at 5:30 in the morning - then it hit me! It's late!!! Today will be busy. Summer tires down to the basement, replacing all the springs, cables and pulleys on my garage doors and other sundry tasks. The Mrs. had to trash her two flowering plants - they got infested with mold basically overnight. Sterilised the tent. We did plant her 18 clones yesterday. They took root really well. Let's hope they fare better than the last two. Have a great week everybody!!!
    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  2. #2
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Re: Fall Back - Sunday thread!

    I set the clocks and got to bed early, and even though I opened my eyes at 3:15, stayed in bed another three hours. It felt great! I walked six miles yesterday and did my weekend chores, so I was pretty tired. And even though it's going to get dark early, I like waking with the sunrise!

    For those who read my NGD note, I want to say I *LOVE* it! I also can't believe how light it is. And it's loud - the projection is superb, the action feels like the neck was made for me, and I don't regret buying it for an instant. Now begins the onerous task of pulling some boxes down from my attic and beginning the sales process for a few guitars I want to winnow away.

    The weather has been terrific (hence my walk yesterday), but it's going to be seasonal for the next few, with highs around 60. Still, no complaints. The leaves are pretty much all changed; I have a neighbor who is infested with the Spotted Laternfly, but I checked my garden and found not a sign. I guess they don't like what I have growing there. Whew.

    So, the routine Sunday for me. I hope yours turns out well..
    Striving to be ordinary

    Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!

  3. #3
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    Re: Fall Back - Sunday thread!

    My wife and I spent the last two days trimming the shrubs and bushes in the yard and then doing several trips to haul the cuttings to the city compost site. This morning my body is reflecting my 78 years as every joint and muscle is aching. It?s supposed to rain until Wednesday and then we?ll be working in the yard again to rake leaves and prep for winter. I?m now really happy that I had to cut down all the ash trees in my yard (25 trees gone thanks to the emerald ash borer) because it was a two day job just to get all the leaves off the lawn before they were removed.

    Hope all have a great week!

  4. #4
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Fall Back - Sunday thread!

    trying to recuperate from a tweaked back before construction begins in the basement. The rewiring of receptacles I spoke of last week did a number on me. Then my brother told me the project was starting tomorrow (the 4th). I started trying to move the 4x12 cabinet and removed any doubt that my back was injured. I've been icing my back and got a reprieve on the start date for Thursday the 7th. I'm hoping we can make it Monday the 11th instead.

    Baseball is finally over, glad it didn't go into November, that's just wrong. Got the invite to Thanksgiving at my niece's place. The weather is getting very seasonal and we even had snow last week, before Halloween. That's an ominous portend for the upcoming winter. Definitely cooler than last year. It's a bit worrisome that so little rain has fallen the whole month of October usually very rainy. There's no precipitation in the 10-day forecast, a warm up mid week, windy and a gazillion megatons of leaves out there. We've had several brush fires around homeless camps already

    Ice, Tylenol, edibles, football and leftover pizza are on the agenda today. With some luck, maybe even some guitar. I already told my buddy we were not going to jam today. I haven't been practicing and barely played at all.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  5. #5
    Forum Member Tele-Bob's Avatar
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    Re: Fall Back - Sunday thread!

    Looking forward to early sunlight. Early sunset? Not so much.
    Playing acoustic guitar today at the weekly acoustic jam at Red Clover Farm in Seymour CT.
    Going to begin a big music gear sell-off. I need to downsize my collection of gear. It helps that I'm not really sentimental about things I don't use. The gear has sat idle long enough. Time to let others enjoy it.
    Going to freshen up some old rock tunes for a new group in Adams MA. Not sure if I'll be able to do it, but I'm going to try. Still attempting to get back to playing after all the medical nonsense sidelined me several months ago. Takes time.
    Looking forward to lighting up the Rivera, or the Princeton, and making the walls shake a little bit.
    Took my final motorcycle ride for the season a few days ago and really enjoyed it. Falling golden leaves everywhere. Even caught a few in mid-flight.
    Back to trenches. Been working hard on improving my finger picking.
    Have fun everyone!
    If you're bored, you're not groovin'.

  6. #6
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    point of reason between tacky and tasteless

    Re: Fall Back - Sunday thread!

    Played a couple bass gigs. Consulted my local music store. Meant to spend 6hrs on development on stuff for work yesterday. Didn?t happen. I need to give it at least 2 hrs today. I want this done before the new year but I keep getting scope creep I need to sit down with the CFO as he has already taken me off task enough since the end of Q2 I could have had this done. The issues when you are proactive when everyone else is reactive.
    Got some stuff out of storage for the upcoming holiday season. This week after work will be constructing the Christmas village, nesting the totes, taking them back to storage and getting more decorations out.
    Need to order a Oaks Grigsby 4 way switch and some caps as I?m moving forward with a modded nocaster wiring along with a 4 way for the 60 CS Tele

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