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Thread: Yah, It's December (2024-12-01) Sunday

  1. #1
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Yah, It's December (2024-12-01) Sunday

    And before you knew it, it became Decmeber!

    I'm posting this as if it were the Sunday thread, because it's going on 8 a.m. and no one has yet done so. Surprise! I woke up and it was December.

    My holiday season is already in full swing. I took some time during the afternoon yesterday and watched one of my favorite Christmas movies, Die Hard. Still ages well!

    The found bass fell through. My daughter's partner allowed another realtor to come in the house and help herself. One of the items was the bass. Oh, well. It was only an idea to experience the thrill of online selling. My original idea to sell a 2013 Gibson SG Future Tribute still holds.

    The usual stuff for me today: Church, some handegg, guitar practice, and some time getting acclimated to the cold weather that's crept in.

    Have a good one, everybody!
    Striving to be ordinary

    Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!

  2. #2
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    Re: Yah, It's December (2024-12-01) Sunday

    Well, after living in my home for the past 33 years and putting up outside Christmas decorations each of those years I have decided there will be none this year. With the new landscaping we had done earlier this year I found that the layout that I custom wired would no longer work. It?s kind of a bummer, but the upside of it is I won?t be crawling on a ladder in the snow to take stuff down after the season ends.

    After church we?ll head out for our usual Sunday morning breakfast run with friends and then relax with a traditional Christmas movie or two. Hope all have a great week.

  3. #3
    Forum Member phantomman's Avatar
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    Re: Yah, It's December (2024-12-01) Sunday

    Quote Originally Posted by OldStrummer View Post
    ......and watched one of my favorite Christmas movies, Die Hard. Still ages well!
    "When injustice becomes law then rebellion becomes duty."

  4. #4
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    Re: Yah, It's December (2024-12-01) Sunday

    Still sick with COVID - the symptoms are very mild, cough, headache (mild) and congestion, but it won't go away. The Mrs. has it a lot worse. She's in the hospital right now. Her symptoms went from mild to serious in a few hours - worse was her leg swelled up like a sausage - she has blood clots - they found some in her lungs so they're treating her with anti-coagulants and doing all sorts of tests. She was told she probably won't come home until Monday (she went in Friday night). Everything else seems to be on hold. I have a busy work week scheduled - several big presentations, but if I'm still testing positive that won't happen. Oh well - Man Plans - God Laughs. Keep the Mrs. in your thoughts and prayers, please.
    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  5. #5
    Forum Member Tele-Bob's Avatar
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    Re: Yah, It's December (2024-12-01) Sunday

    Ah December. Month of avoidance. Some make a Gift List while I make an Avoidance List.

    In the number one spot we have:

    01) Avoid all things of the WalMart department store variety.
    Future civilizations will view the video records of just how twisted society became during Silly Season.

    02) Avoid unnecessary travel as "the season" brings out the worst among the road warriors in a BIG damn rush, to be with their damn families, to suffer through yet another damn week of, uh, ahem, celebrations.

    03) Avoid pretty much anything I don't truly want to do because hey, I'm retired. Now get off my lawn!

    04) Avoid all online sales of any kind because I really don't need anything, especially a new guitar that will lay in its case like so many others already in my possession.

    05) Avoid any influence that takes me away from the peaceful existence I now enjoy having shed so much of the "baggage."

    It's a beauty way to go!
    If you're bored, you're not groovin'.

  6. #6
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Yah, It's December (2024-12-01) Sunday

    there wasn't much construction this week for some strange reason but only partly because of the holiday. We're waiting for the electrician to do the wiring before going forward. That won't be until the week after next. Called the HVAC guy, waiting to hear back. Bro seems to think we can purloin one of the two feeds from the living room for the basement, doesn't seem to be considering the a/c side of the story. He'll regret losing cooling ability during the summer and that's how we're going to try to sell this. I don't want an a/c feed that's as cold as he's going to want it during summer, so having two systems is going to be unavoidable. He's trying to be cheap and this is not the time to do that.

    down right chilly lately, we lucked out and had only rain to contend with for turkey day, places not too far from us got a good bit of snow. Lot of low teens and barely into double digits for lows this week. Ground will be getting plenty cooled off, which reminds me I need to put up the driveway reflector stakes today while I can still drive them into the ground.

    Bro's GF is here and staying until tomorrow, there won't be any jamming in our house. I could go to my buddy's house but then I'll miss the food she's going to cook. Tough choice, dunno which way it's going to go. She's a good cook, so we'll see

    My back and right knee are doing much better, i need to get out more for walking in spite of the cold. Speaking of cold that head cold I got two weeks ago is pretty much over.

    My favorite regional band will be on hiatus for several months while their lead guy has back surgery in a couple weeks. The band plays their final full band show tomorrow night in Portsmouth. I didn't go to the Friday show at Stone Church because I was feeling under the weather that day and wasn't up to an hour drive each way, mostly on back roads. The show tomorrow will be almost all main roads. He has a few solo shows this week and next.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  7. #7
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    Re: Yah, It's December (2024-12-01) Sunday

    Did Thanksgiving Sat with in-laws
    Know the difference between outlaws and in-laws? Outlaws are wanted.
    All kidding aside, it was a good time and I didn?t work. Did about 7 hrs Thursday, planned to do 8 on Fri but ended up taking a 4,5 hr nap (I?m tired). Today I did about 4 hrs of work and ran through the setlist for this evenings elect guitar gig. Tying to get some focus on the next step of development at work. I?ll fill the truck and get an hr nap before the gig. After gig probably another 2 hrs of work then sleep. Alarm goes off at 4:15 to repeat again ad-nasuem.

    Taking some time off next week as my 60th bday is Sun. Short time away to visit an European style Christmas Market and visit Sweetwater music.

  8. #8
    Forum Member S. Cane's Avatar
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    Re: Yah, It's December (2024-12-01) Sunday

    So, December is here.

    Both my wife and stepdaughter have their birthdays right at the end of November, and so is our Anniversary, meaning that considering Christmas is right ahead, these are the busiest days of the year for me. Shopping and preparing the little things that make their lives sweeter...

    Other than that I've been working like a dog and my guitars have been in their cases lately.

    Recently got a cheap Marshall Major earphone set that surprised me for its comfort and sound quality. Not for music production, but quite pleasant for just enjoying music.

    Wife's recovering from surgery, and I'm working from home, caring for her, therefore no church this morning. Took a quick drive to my old folks' to check ok them. My father is planning on cultivating rose bushes in the garden, and I'll help him with that. It'll be fun to do that with him.

    Cleaned the 1911 and in a couple hours I'll start cooking some Kung Pao Chicken for dinner and drink my usual Sunday evening six pack of beers (Gluten free Stellae, instead of my usual Buds. Helps cutting weight).

    Good thing is, my BJJ training is helping me a helluva lot with my chronic tendonitis.

    Have a good Sunday, friends!

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