We made it! Or, as some would say, "It's all over but the shouting."
That's right, 2024 is leaving us. And I can't say I'm sad to see it go. Not because I personally had any issues with it -- it was my first full year being retired, and I loved it! -- but the advertising, caterwauling, and furor of an election year started to become a bit too much. I am so glad that part is over.
I'd like to say my spam filter is getting a rest, but we have special elections to fill now-vacant seats, and for some reason, some of the "ins" seem to think I should know everything about their plans to tell me how to live. Ugh.
So, with the rain falling, but temperatures hitting the 60s today, I look forward to my typical Sunday: Church, lunch, handegg, practice, exercise and relax. You?
Have a great Last Sunday of the year!