I admit the NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants) show taking place doesn't usually garner much attention from me, and has become a bit of a non-starter for some companies (Fender is there, but in a low-key way). Not being a pedal guy, I can't speak to some of the makers, and it's more than a guitar show, so it's hard to get too excited about it.
Still, two of the guitar industry's giants have announced new models for 2025, Martin and Taylor. It's nice to see these company's aren't just making insignificant changes to their product line, but from what I've read, new guitars from these guys aren't reaching out to me. However, the list of guitar makers is impressive, so it might be worth cruising the exhibit hall, which is open to the public ($tarting today). But it's in Anaheim (not yet affected by the fires, I believe), so I'm not going. How about you? Anything of interest stand out for you?