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Thread: Sunday Morning 01/26/2025

  1. #1
    Forum Member Tele-Bob's Avatar
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    Sunday Morning 01/26/2025

    Cold today. Going out for my daily walk later.

    Bought a couple new mini pedals this week for a small pedal board I'm working on. Need something smaller for tight spaces and such. When I through down my usual rig, I get too many raised eyebrows that it's overkill. It's not, and some of you guys know I use my effects sparingly and effectively but, when in Rome...

    Finally gathered up a few guitars and vintage effects pedals to sell as the "Thinning of the Herd" process begins. Not too difficult. I rarely get attached to things I'm no longer using. Time to let someone else enjoy them.

    Lots of good music lined up this week, and a few new songs to get ready.

    Living it large in the Berkshires!
    If you're bored, you're not groovin'.

  2. #2
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    Re: Sunday Morning 01/26/2025

    A long-awaited and welcome warming trend here! Today should be in the upper 40s and next week is supposed to be in the 50s. T-shirt weather!!!

    I will be glued to the TV this afternoon (church first, then some exercise). Although I've seen my team win three Super Bowls, I never thought they'd get to the gate again in my lifetime. They still may not get there, but the Washington Commanders under the new regime have surprised a lot of people, me included. This kid Jayden Daniels has made a believer out of me. Good luck this afternoon, fellas. Whatever the outcome, I know you'll make a game of it.
    Striving to be ordinary

    Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!

  3. #3
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: Sunday Morning 01/26/2025

    we have a slight respite from the bitter cold, now it is just merely seasonally cold. Yesterday my car had to be jump started (or whatever the term is for the battery pack charger you have to use on the rolling computers we drive these days). Can't use the old cables anymore. I had gone a whole week and a very cold one at that without driving. My car uses batteries about every 3 years and that's how old this one is, it's beginning to pine for the fjords. I paid car insurance last month and have to take the cat to the vet for annual blackmail, er, renewal of prescription for his food. 2 bills for a new battery is not in my budget.

    The music room has been taped and being mudded. Problem is it's been so cold that the mud ain't drying very fast so it needs days between coats. There still construction to be done (closet, doors, etc before the room is fully sealed. Supposedly the electrician is coming this week to finish his stuff and get ready to hook up the new condenser for the mini split units.

    There's really nothing new to see until the rest of the construction is done so I'm not going to bother with pictures this week. I've been playing a lot this week, the anticipation is building for the new room. It's still going to be a while because everything in the cellar needs to be relocated to the finished area so the unfinished area can be prepped for future construction. I hope to be able to segregate things so I can begin to sort and organize stuff. I've got to get an idea of what's there so I can decide what to keep and what to sell.

    Right now, I'm getting ready to go to my friend's house to play guitar. He's an old-time 'Skins fan and we're probably going to stay for the first half before I bail to get home before dark. I'm also pulling for the kid, not a fan of the dirty birds at all. I wish Buffalo would beat KC to ruin their three peat.
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

  4. #4
    Forum Member gibsonjunkie's Avatar
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    Re: Sunday Morning 01/26/2025

    Geez!!! I planned on posting here yesterday and got sidetracked. Sorry about that! We are anticipating weather above freezing today!!!! Going to see if I can rearrange my garage when I get some available time. I'm getting a wall-mounted prssure washer and want to relocate all my related tools to the same wall it will be hung on - with its own power source and right next to the garage slop sink.

    It's going to be a busy week. Bloodwork today, opthamologist on Wednesday - next week ultrasound and dermatologist, and a dentist I need to call for an appointment. Add all of Mrs. Junkies medical visits and it will be a busy two weeks.

    Saturday I'll be working with Connecticut's most dysfunctional school board. My job - get them working together. The state is contemplating taking them over and the only thing between them and that is me (at least that's how I'm approaching it). Not going to be a pleasant day; and I'm sure it will be exhausting. How successful is yet to be determined. As confident as I am in my abilities (I've been doing this for over 30 years) this one may be too much.... we'll see... there's 20,000 kids that need more than they are getting...
    "We catched fish and talked, and we took a swim now and then to keep off sleepiness." Mark Twain

  5. #5
    Forum Member
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    Re: Sunday Morning 01/26/2025

    Dan, it's completely safe to use jumper cables on modern vehicles! The stipulation is that the charged vehicle is not running, and the dead vehicle key is off during the connection process. If the dead vehicle still won't crank, turn the key off, start the charged vehicle, and allow the dead battery to charge. Then before attempting to start the dead vehicle, turn off the charging vehicle, and then attempt to start.

  6. #6
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Re: Sunday Morning 01/26/2025


    Best thing to do is to consult the owner's manual for your car. Generalizations can't be made these days. My daily driver for example - has THREE batteries in it. Some cars will have emergency start capability off the house battery too. Another easy method is to use the AC outlet on the good car to plug a battery charger into and then connect the charger to the car with the low battery but you may need to trickle charge depending on how powerful your inverter is.

    Best insurance is to carry a plug-in jump pack, they're cheap on Amazon and up here in the frozen north there's no reason not to have one.

    I carry a tire plug kit and 12V air compressor with me too.

    If I'm going to be in the Everglades or away from phone service I put the Jackery in the vehicle too. That will power everything, including my guitar rig, for whatever I need. Tons easier than screwing around with generator power at an outdoor show.

    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

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