Here's one that's paid for itself a few times lol!
I've always been a huge fan of Keisel (Carvin) guitars, I stand by that they make some of the best player's guitars that stand up to the rigors of the road, and I've long been a fan of their 11 pole pickups. Best cleans I've ever played.
This has been my #1 recording/studio guitar for a long, long time. It's an S-Style but blindfolded you'd swear the neck is off a '59 'burst. I can play it comfortably for hours. It's not used for live performance much anymore since she looks a bit tatty onstage and you know how it is, the average audience member listens with their eyes. But she can still lay down the goods. That said, she's often offstage for those nights when I'm just not feeling it and want the security blanket. Could use a new nut but so far superglue and baking soda has kept her going.