Ok, I has been discussed a lot but people often reply to threads about this with jokes.
I am terrified of termites harming my amps and guitars. I know it is not common to see guitars attacked by termites but still...
This time of the year we get plenty of winged termites, it's their reproductive cycle, and I get scared to death.
Does anybody know for sure if the woods used in guitars like alder, rosewood, maple and such, and the pine and modern woods used in amps might be attacked by termites?
I once emailed Fender asking if the wood used in strats was treated in any way to prevent this and this is what they replied:
"Hey Sergio,
Thanks for asking. I can honestly say, in my over 30 years in the guitar business, I have never encountered termites in a guitar. The body and neck are finished with a urethane finish, so it's unlikely termites would even seek a guitar out when I'm sure there are more readily available wood sources.
If you keep the guitar in its case, you'll have no problems
Consumer Relations Manager|Fender Musical Instruments
Ok, I know the finish is a shield, but the rosewood is unfinished, and amps are made with wood!
Any replies and advice will be much appreciated.