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Thread: The Thread for Super Bowl Sunday

  1. #1
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    The Thread for Super Bowl Sunday

    Yeah, what else would you call this thread? Like millions of others, I'll be watching it -- probably with the sound off -- but I don't have a dog in this hunt, so I'm only half interested.

    But before that, a day of fun and games. I'll have breakfast at the fire station (the best deal in town, made even better by a senior discount!), church, time spent working on two songs I've become interested in, then the handegg contest.

    I hope everyone stays warm and dry. And may the best team win.
    Striving to be ordinary

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  2. #2
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    Re: The Thread for Super Bowl Sunday

    Well yesterday I worked on the music room some. It?s getting better. My wife has had the crud for the last week and I finally got it.

    Today I?ll work more on the music room, take it easy, and watch some hand egg. I think I have some money still in my Draft Kings acct, so I may make a couple wagers.

  3. #3
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    On da lakeshore in Wisconsinski

    Re: The Thread for Super Bowl Sunday

    We got 8? of snow last night so I was outside with the snowblower for an hour and a half after it quit. The plow went through at 7:00 this morning so I was back out there to clear my driveway approach and the crosswalk (corner lot).

    No Super Bowl for me as pro sports really bore the crap out of me. Just a bunch of millionaires playing high school games. The only interest for me are the quarterly scores and end score if I?m on a pool, so it?s off to breakfast with friends after church.

    Hope all have a great day!

  4. #4
    Forum Member Tele-Bob's Avatar
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    Re: The Thread for Super Bowl Sunday

    Quote Originally Posted by Laker View Post
    We got 8? of snow last night so I was outside with the snowblower for an hour and a half after it quit. The plow went through at 7:00 this morning so I was back out there to clear my driveway approach and the crosswalk (corner lot).
    When it has snowed heavily, and I know the plow is going to come through a second time, I go to the end of the driveway, turn left, and clear a 6 foot wide swath of snow along side the road for at least 50 feet up from my driveway. When the plow finally comes through, it hits the clear spot and runs out of snow before it gets to my driveway. Yeah, it's extra work, but I have the choice to either do it in advance cheerfully, or curse the day when the driveway gets re-blocked. Works the treat and feels like I got one over on them for a change!
    If you're bored, you're not groovin'.

  5. #5
    Forum Member Tele-Bob's Avatar
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    Re: The Thread for Super Bowl Sunday

    Been enjoying the flu for way too long now. Too weak to play guitar for any length of time and I haven't walked all week either. No jams. No open mics. Nothing.

    Just laying low and avoiding 6 hours of commercials interspersed with 60 minutes for football. Ba ha ha! Not quite MotoGP or WSBK season yet, muah ha ha!
    If you're bored, you're not groovin'.

  6. #6
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Re: The Thread for Super Bowl Sunday

    we got a good 8.5-9 inches of reasonably light snow. I tried to start the old snowblower yesterday and it wasn't having it. After I spent 3.5 hours shoveling, I went inside and bought a new snowblower from Home Depot and it's being delivered tomorrow. Can I afford it? Not really, but I figure if I buy a new machine, winter will be over in less than a month.

    It's working. Already the forecasted totals for the next 2 storms is down from 28" to 20". Worth it to take one for the team. I like Tele-Bob's idea but I think you would need your own truck with a plow in order to make it work.

    Update on the nephew situation. From the way my brother was talking to the electrician this week, it looks like the nephew will be inhabiting the new room under construction. He spent the first night in the basement and is now in the living room, with his stuff everywhere. I don't even know if I'm going to watch any of the game in there tonight. I may go down to the casino for the first quarter/half. I really don't have a dog in this fight. It sure would have been nice to watch the game in my living room, not a messy bedroom.

    In the end, it will work out. The new room as it stands is about acoustically isolated as a screened porch. I did not think the guy put nearly enough insulation in the bays between the floor joists. I would have stuffed about 3 times as much fiberglass in there and used compression rods to hold it in, then put up the strapping for the sheet rock. I would not have used a hollow core pocket door, or a pocket door at all. The remaining space after the room, bath and kitchenette are done will be 22' x 11'. Not ideal but still way more than twice what I've ever had. I'll build it my way and it will not have that headstock-snapping pole in the middle of the room. I'll just give up my dream of having a drum kit, probably much to the relief of every living thing within 400 feet
    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

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