Is it possible to fit a D120F into a 65 Princeton Reverb RI? Asking for a friend
Is it possible to fit a D120F into a 65 Princeton Reverb RI? Asking for a friend
I think so but iIRC the speaker needs to be off-set so the magnet clears the output tranny. Thus, a new baffle board will be needed.
"When injustice becomes law then rebellion becomes duty."
If you rotate the speaker until the ribs are clear of the OT, you may get it close to center! I managed to fit an SRO 15 in my Twin centered.
I'm thinking this might be a good excuse to buy a 65 DRRI. I'll keep you posted
A 12" speaker is what Princeton was meant to have!
The amp just opens up so nicely with more clean headroom and chime. Worth the price of admission.
Dan the Blues Man sold me his and I couldn't be happier!
If you're bored, you're not groovin'.
I have played in a mix with Bob's PR and can attest that if you want a tube amp with the Fender Sound, there is no better option. Why Dan the Blues Man let that one get away is beyond me! It's probably the best PR I've ever heard. Bob left it at my house for a few days and there was no way I was going to plug into it because it would have ruined me. It's real - and it's spectacular!
"No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim
If you're bored, you're not groovin'.
Agree, I have a 12” Eminence George Allessandro GA-SC64 speaker that sounds really good in this little amp. It’s tone is balanced and sweet with high sensitivity that makes the amp sound bigger. Also Put JJ 6V6S pair of matched tubes in it and now has ?some? 6L6GC tone now.
Last edited by Bubbalou; 02-20-2025 at 05:53 PM.