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Thread: The Sunday Thread for March 9, 2025

  1. #1
    Forum Member OldStrummer's Avatar
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    The Sunday Thread for March 9, 2025

    Did you remember to set your clocks ahead one hour? That is, if you're in a zone where Daylight Saving Time is observed. I did, and last night was the first night in a while that I slept all the way through. So, now I'm feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as they say.

    The annual Winter-vs-Spring battle is waging here. I like to say the sun is saying it's Spring, but the wind is saying no it's not. Soon we'll be able to pack away the sweaters and woolies and start enjoying the weather again. At least I won't have to struggle to keep my guitar room humidified properly. This year has been a real pain. My guitars have survived, however.

    So, a regular, uneventful day. I'm looking forward to it!
    Striving to be ordinary

    Proud to be a TFF Dumbass!

  2. #2
    Forum Member Tele-Bob's Avatar
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    Re: The Sunday Thread for March 9, 2025

    Taking a break from 8 consecutive days of scraping, patching, sanding, and painting. Moving to a house we rented and it needed to be completely painted inside. Three bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, loft, living room, dining room, kitchen and stairway. My hands hurt so bad I have to ice them daily just so I can open them when I grasp something.

    We found a great home rental in a beautiful, remote location where we can't even see our closest neighbor. So quiet.

    Worked up a nice music room and might even do a little home recording.

    Been busy playing acoustic with some of the local players and looking forward to maybe some electric.

    Got my Suhr T model fixed yesterday at a shop in Northampton MA. The tech there used to work with John Suhr. My Suhr Tele is an exemplary instrument featuring the Suhr Silent Single Coil System that takes all the hum out without altering the one. It even has a push-pull tone pot that disengages the system so you can have all the hum back if you so desire! We put it up against a $4000 used Fender Tele and the Suhr sounded every bit as good. They make such great guitars!

    Tomorrow we start moving furniture around the house and hope to spend our first night there later this week! Psyched!
    If you're bored, you're not groovin'.

  3. #3
    Forum Member Laker's Avatar
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    On da lakeshore in Wisconsinski

    Re: The Sunday Thread for March 9, 2025

    My wife and I drove in to Chicago yesterday and, for once, it was a really pleasant trip. There has been so much road construction on I94 that it could add 30-45 minutes to the drive, but yesterday it was the first time in several years that it was a no hassle trip. Add to that it was a clear, 45 degree day giving us a pleasant time in the city.

    Hope all have a great day!

  4. #4
    Forum Member blackonblack's Avatar
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    point of reason between tacky and tasteless

    Re: The Sunday Thread for March 9, 2025n

    Yesterday I rebuilt the wireless system with 2 new routers. Speed increased multi-fold. Didn?t want to spend the coin for WiFi7, so went with 6. Triband in a meshed environment. Much less lost in speed.

    Playing bass this am. Grabbed the 50s Pbass. So far so good. Thinking I might flip the plate as I use the tone control more than the vol. Looking at weeks ahead, only a few guitar gigs, it?s all mainly bass. While a guitarist, it?s easier/quicker to prepare for gigs on bass. I also put in an offer on 3+ acres yesterday.

  5. #5
    Forum Member Offshore Angler's Avatar
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    Coming to a town near you!

    Re: The Sunday Thread for March 9, 2025

    Still drooling over the green Performer Fender had at NAMM. It's a sickness for me liking them.
    "No harmonic knowledge, no sense of time, a ghastly tone, unskilled vibrato, and so on. Chuck is one of the worst guitar players I know" -Gravity Jim

  6. #6
    Forum Member DanTheBluesMan's Avatar
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    Southern NH

    Re: The Sunday Thread for March 9, 2025

    bright sunny day, typical March windy but not nearly as bad as the last 2 days. Lots of lights blinking, computer and space heater repeatedly shut off fingers crossed not so much today.

    The construction in the basement is completed for now. Bro was away on a trip and asked that we not move anything into the room before he gets a chance to see it when he gets back today. He did pay for it, after all. One half will be utilized to store the stuff from the back of the basement while work is done on that side the other half of the room will be the nephew's quarters. We'll get our living room back after 5 weeks and won't have to look at the lad's slovenly mess. he better not ruin the new room.

    Note the wall door, it is way oversized so furniture and gear can be easily mo

    Took my CV60 bass off the market for now. Secured financing to fund getting the car back on the road, over 11 hundred less than the rip-off mechanic tried to soak me for.

    Tomorrow or maybe even this afternoon/tonight I start moving stuff into the room after bro sees it. I'm still going to go through everything and sort out what can be sold. I hope the smaller empty boxes I saved for shipping are still down there. I want to raise enough funds to buy new HID bulbs for my car to help me in the candlepower battle out there. I found that a set of those polarized yellow lens sunglasses helps to attenuate the horrid brightness of the headlights coming at me. It feels like it's a little darker but the contrast is better. I think with brighter lights in front of my car I should be able to see the stripes better and I'm hoping it helps in the rain. I want to see how the new bulbs work and decide if I'm going to upgrade the fog lights as well.

    "Live and learn and flip the burns"

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