I am looking for a more agressive pickup for my mid 80's MIJ Rosewood Telecaster. The stock neck pickup is fine I just want more from the bridge.
How about the Fender Texas Special?
Or Seymore Duncan?
I am looking for a more agressive pickup for my mid 80's MIJ Rosewood Telecaster. The stock neck pickup is fine I just want more from the bridge.
How about the Fender Texas Special?
Or Seymore Duncan?
DIY Links
Turret Board:
Here are 3 pickups I've had great success with in Teles for the bridge.
The stock 52ri
Duncan Broadcaster
Duncan Antiquity
The Antiquity has the most grit when cranked the other 2 stay a little cleaner.
Fender Nocaster Clean...find a 10K one and hang on!!!!
I think you would need the Muy Grande for Telecaster by
I like the Texas Specials or a Duncan Hot. The TS nails the twang if you watch your right hand technique. The Duncan Hot loses a little in favor of added midrange.
Guildx700 is right; if you can find a Nocaster Clean at around 10k, there's not much better. I've read good things about the Rio grande Muy Grande; but when I tried one it sounded like a Duncan 1/4lber. More Springsteenesque...
My nocaster clean clocks in at 10.3k and it rips my head off!!
A little tip while using a heavier wound pup in a TELE,
Find a TBX tone so you can crack it wide open and get your old sharp Icy Tele tones back when needed.
I personally use a 15.0k Ceramic and a TBX and I can swing it right back to that 7.2k tone when needed.
Thanks for all the tips guys:nelson
DIY Links
Turret Board:
The new nocasters are 7.4K. They are fine, they will not rip your head off. I have one in my Fat Tele.
Guitars: Teles, Strats, LP, VW Wormoth, others. Amps: Bassman LTD, Richter 5e3, 5e3 Head, Taynor Bassmaster II, Gretsch 6150 (Supro), others. Board: Guitar>Java Boost> Huckleberry>Fuzz Head>Top Fuel> SFX-03 >Keeley 4 knob Comp>EH Clone Chorus>Flanger>DD-6
I know this has been brought up several times, if you want a 10k you need to have the vendor check and verify if it is an older 10k one. The new 7k is the same as the original relic Nocaster AFAIK, and that pup was never really in favor like the 10k clean was.
Looks like the 10k Cleans will become real sought after!
Last edited by Guildx700~; 08-10-2002 at 10:16 PM.
has anyone tried a Lindy Blues tele?
i'm thinkng of putting one in my nocaster. mine sound like the 7k, and its ok, but i want more "oomph".
My run down;
Nocaster 10k clean - great for blues and rock, too muddy for country
Nocaster 7k-great allaround choice, still a little mid-range bias
Original Nocaster (10k texas special flat pole) - good for all
styles, those alnico 5's with the flat poles really work!
Duncan broadcaster- nasal, thin, and lifeless...
Duncan antiquity 7.3- sounds great, a little mid-range bias
Fralin blues special- too mid-rangy and no growl
Fralin underwind- twangs but unbalanced in the middle
Fralin stock-pretty good but missing something?
Texas Special- real biased to the guitar it's in, seems to sound much better with a rosewood neck
Suhr flat pole- loud and proud, not enough twang
52 ri stock- perfect in most cases
Barden-too clean when you don't want it
lil 59 duncan- kinda cool for straight rock
Mexico Muddy Waters bridge- the secret weapon supreme!
Where can you buy one?
Duncan 54 (staggered)- the allaround champion, and still in my 52 ri Tele!!!! Growls, twangs, overdrives and balances perfect for
the middle position combo.
Don't forget.... most bridge pickups in a Tele may sound great in the rear postion, yet sound completley unbalanced in the middle. Nocaster pickups all seem to have this problem. FWIW.
I was really thinking about replacing the neck pickup in my Am Nash B-Bender Tele, which has an Am Std neck pickup now, with a Texas Special. I might now reconsider...Originally posted by mocaster
Texas Special- real biased to the guitar it's in, seems to sound much better with a rosewood neck.
Mo....Are you refering to THE original 1950's Nocsater pups here? The 10k Nocsater Clean I have has flat poles too.Originally posted by mocaster
My run down;
Nocaster 10k clean - great for blues and rock, too muddy for country
Original Nocaster (10k texas special flat pole) - good for all
styles, those alnico 5's with the flat poles really work!
Originally posted by Guildx700~
Fender Nocaster Clean...find a 10K one and hang on!!!!
I agree!
I'm referring to the Cunetto era Nocaster relic bridge pickup.
These were Alnico 5 Texas Specials with flat poles. Normal Texas Special birdge pickups for Tele's have staggered polepieces.
Cunetto era bridge pickup: Alnico 5 Texas Special Flat pole
Time Machine 99-2000: Alnico 3 Broadcaster flat pole
Time Machine 00-02(mixed until used up): Alnico 3 Broadcaster flat pole(7.0-7.5d.c.)
Current Time Machine: (7.0-7.1d.c.)seem all low now
Fender changed the relic after market Nocaster first, they read about 7.5-7.7d.c. The Clean was about 10.0 until recently.
*note-I had a one off done in 2001 with an Abby hand wound Nocaster : it read 7.1.d.c.w/Alnico 3 flat pole
Seymour Duncan told me that 7.2. is the golden number....
with Alnico 5.....(hmmm...his 54 model, staggered)
I've got a new Nocaster Clean (7) in my new MIM Standard. The best bridge pup I've played. I've had...Fender's Texas Special - too harsh, too middy, plenty of growl, didn't clean up well.
Fender Vintage (52RI), not enough mid punch for my taste.
Fralin Blues Special...too boring, dullish, and very toppy at times.
Nocaster..gets me piano like sparkle and chime and when I dig in...instant Brad Paisley growl and snap (with my Vox AC15).